The history of the company

SK Holding includes 89 companies operating in different regions of the world with a total annual revenue of $ 157 billion (2014). SK holds 64th spot in the Fortune 500 list of the world’s largest companies (2014).

Холдинг SK был основан в 1962 году и стал первым предприятием в Корее, специализирующемся в области нефтепереработки.

1995 was the new milestone in development, when the company started to produce its own base stock YUBASE.
The first plant for the production of base stock YUBASE was launched.

It was this year, when SK started producing motor oil ZIC, so popular on the Russian and foreign markets. ZIC became the first Korean premium brand of motor oils.

SK Lubricants entered the Russian market.

In 2001, SK Lubricants started to export its own base stocks to the US and launches the brand-new ZIC oil series flagship — ZIC XQ.

Establishment of the Chinese office.

The market demand for base stocks had been constantly increasing, and in 2004, the second plant producing base stock YUBASE was launched in Ulsan.

In June 2006, SK opened its office in Moscow.

SK Energy has been recognized as the world’s leader in the market of Group III base stocks.

In 2008, the office of SK Lubricants was established in Amsterdam, the third plant producing LBO and base stock YUBASE was launched in Indonesia.

In 2008, the company started producing a new generation of base stocks — YUBASE+, which allowed the company to launch the production of ZIC OW, a new oil line.

In January 2011, a blending plant was opened in Tianjin, China.

In May 2001, SK Lubricants opened its office in New Delhi.

The plant for LBO production was launched.

In September 2014, the joint plant owned by SK Lubricants and Repsol (the largest oil and gas company in Spain and Latin America, located in Cartagena, Spain) started operation.

The joint venture is the largest plant for Group III base stocks production in Europe. SK Lubricants share reached 70%. The production volume of 13.3 thousand barrels a day achieved. The total investment made up more than $ 312 million, which makes the plant the most expensive SK Lubricants project.

SK Lubricants introduces major changes: the Company develops advanced oil formulae and changes the nomenclature and the packaging line. As a result, a new ZIC product line appeared in stores in September 2015.